Related posts: retention

How to prevent Customer Loss

Churn Management: How To Prevent Customer Loss

Churn management is an important component of any business. Research shows that it’s 5x-6x more expensive to acquire a new customer than it is to simply retain an old one, underscoring the importance of preventing churn by keeping your current clients happy and engaged. To help your business drive long-term

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The Ultimate Guide to Personalised Video

The Ultimate Guide to Personalised Video

From reducing service calls by 30% to uplifting conversions by 9x, we’ve seen firsthand how Personalized Video can improve the customer experience and drive real results for businesses. While Personalized Video is undeniably transforming how we connect with audiences, the concept can be a bit confusing at first. Is it

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Why Is Customer Engagement Important? The Hidden Tie to ROI

Why Is Customer Engagement Important? The Hidden Tie to ROI

In today’s fast-paced and constantly evolving business landscape, customer engagement has become more vital than ever before. It’s no longer enough to simply attract customers. Businesses must now find ways to actively involve them, fostering a relationship that goes beyond the initial purchase. According to a report by Harvard Business

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7 Tips for a Personalised Year-in-Review Video

7 Tips for a Personalised Year-in-Review Video

For many, the new year is an opportunity to look back at memories made — the good times, the big wins, maybe some lessons learned. It’s a period of reflection and celebration, and tapping into this sentiment is a great way to create deeper connections with your audience. With the

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Why Loyalty Programmes Need To Be Personalised

Why Loyalty Programmes Need To Be Personalised

These days, it’s commonplace to make a purchase at a shop, cafe or online store and get asked to join its loyalty programme. Many times, these programmes are enticing. Getting perks for simply continuing your spending habits seems like a no-brainer and is probably why U.S. consumers hold more than

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How 7 Brands Use Hyper-Personalisation To Engage Customers

7 Hyper-Personalisation Examples From Brands Who Got It Right

Your inbox dings. “Happy birthday,” your dentist says. But before you can even react, here’s another alert. Chewy’s got a treat for Bark Ruffalo, your goldendoodle. Another day, another marketing strategy. It’s one more email with your name slapped in the greeting, and it’s fast losing its shine. It’s no

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A Beginner’s Guide to Understanding Churn Models

A Beginner’s Guide to Understanding Churn Models

In business, success isn’t just about scoring new customers — it’s also about holding onto them. Unfortunately, customer churn exists as a challenge to this goal. Also called customer attrition, churn refers to your customers saying sayonara to your brand. So much more than just a statistical metric, your churn

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