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How Mortgage Lenders Boost Satisfaction With Dynamic Video

How Mortgage Lenders Boost Satisfaction With Dynamic Video

How has the mortgage industry adapted to our increasingly digital world? For one, mortgage companies have upped the ante on their digital transformation efforts across all facets of their businesses. Automation — from collecting payments to customer communications and everything in between — continues to be a top priority for

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Things are heating up for the gaming industry.

Video Marketing for Video Games: Trends and Tips

Things are heating up for the gaming industry. A recent report from Mordor Intelligence found that video gaming trends have seen a massive surge in players and revenue recently, spurred by advanced technology adoption around the world and more time spent at home due to pandemic concerns.

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Where To Share Personalized Video To Maximize Reach

Where To Share Personalized Video To Maximize Reach

From a confectionery brand like Cadbury to gaming giant Ubisoft, countless brands have been leveraging the power of Personalized Video. The combination of personalization and video means your message is perfectly tailored to each individual while maximizing visual engagement.

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Group of Gen Z consumers laughing together

How To Create Personalized Experiences for Gen Z Consumers

A version of this article appeared originally on Customer Experience Magazine. You can read it here. When it comes to customer experience, the newest generation of consumers is set to disrupt the status quo. They have different brand expectations, as you’ll see below, and they’re poised to have the economic

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The Higher Education Challenge

Transforming the Student Experience: Admissions to Alumni

When COVID-19 first hit, the unprecedented changes forced schools of all kinds to adapt. Universities and colleges scrambled to figure out solutions for learning that would keep students safe while still maintaining an optimal learning environment. From Zoom classes to optional testing, there’s nothing quite like a pandemic to jumpstart

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